How to qualify for a reverse mortgage

A reverse mortgage provides the elderly access to equity in their homes and supplements their income. With its flexible repayment option, it gives homeowners more control over their money. However, the government has laid out strict rules and guidelines concerning reverse mortgage eligibility criteria. So, if you’re considering a reverse mortgage, read on to know the reverse mortgage eligibility criteria and the types of reverse mortgages. Reverse mortgage eligibility criteria The first criterion for a reverse mortgage is that the primary homeowner must be at least 62 years of age. If your spouse is under the age of 62, you might still be eligible if you meet other reverse mortgage eligibility criteria. If you’re not 62 or older than 62, then you won’t qualify for a reverse mortgage even if you satisfy the criteria mentioned below. You must be the primary resident of the home you’re seeking a reverse mortgage for. Note that vacation homes or rental properties do not qualify. You must either entirely own the house or have at least 50% equity in it. If you have any mortgage balance remaining while applying for a reverse mortgage, you must be in a financial position to pay off that balance. You must not be late or overdue on any debt from the federal government. This includes income taxes and federal student loans. If you have to pay off such debts, you may very well use the money from the reverse mortgage loan to settle these debts. You must already have enough money, or be willing to use the money from the reverse mortgage loan to pay property taxes, insurance, and home maintenance and repair costs. You must meet a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-approved reverse mortgage counselor to understand how a reverse mortgage works. During the counseling, the counselor will review your eligibility for a reverse mortgage loan and inform you of the financial ramifications associated with a reverse mortgage.
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How to qualify for a reverse mortgage

Common blood disorders and their treatment options

Blood disorders are a type of disease that affects both solid and liquid parts of the blood. Plasma, the liquid portion, contains water, salts, and proteins. The solid portion contains white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Multiple organs and tissues help blood function normally in our bodies. This includes the bone marrow, clotting proteins, lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, and spleen. Any problem with one or more of these tissues or blood cells can cause blood disorders. All blood disorders are taken care of by medical experts called hematologists. They are physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating blood disorders. Hematologists examine your medical history and your symptoms to determine the most probable diagnosis. The procedure may involve a blood test, urine test, bone marrow biopsy, and others. Keep reading to know more about some common blood disorders and their treatment methods. Anemia Anemia usually results from iron deficiency, sickle cell disease, or thalassemia, and its treatment depends on the type, cause, and severity of the condition. Possible treatment can include vitamin and nutritional therapy, and medicines to boost the production of red blood cells in the body. In extreme cases, your doctor may take you through a blood transfusion procedure to quickly replenish red blood cells in your blood. Some rare forms of anemia might require transplantation of bone marrow or blood stem cells. Hemophilia The hallmark trait of hemophilia is excessive and prolonged bleeding. Hemophilia is usually treated by injecting treatment products, called clotting factor concentrates to help the blood clot properly. The treatment can involve treatment products for which can be used to stop a patient’s bleeding episodes and prevent them from occurring from time to time. Fortunately, nowadays, people with hemophilia can learn how to give their own clotting factor treatment products at home. This means you can get immediate treatment at your home and avoid severe bleeding.
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Common blood disorders and their treatment options

Top 8 cholesterol-lowering foods

An elevated cholesterol level is a huge risk factor for developing heart disease in the long run. One of the best ways of lowering your cholesterol levels is by following a heart-healthy diet. The key is to include foods in your diet that mainly lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol content in your blood. So, here are some foods that can help lower cholesterol levels and eliminate some risk factors for possible heart disease. Dark chocolate and cocoa This is something that many people might love. Research has revealed that dark chocolate and cocoa can lower bad cholesterol content in your blood. However, you must choose dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 75–85% or higher, or cocoa alone to enjoy the benefits. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are high in sugar content, which can negatively affect your heart health. Whole grains Including whole grains like oats, barley, and others in your daily diet is an easy way of lowering cholesterol levels. Whole grains, especially oats and barley, are loaded with vitamins and minerals, plant compounds, and fiber that can help manage cholesterol. So, don’t forget to have a bowl of oatmeal or oat-based cereals for breakfast every day. You can top it with banana slices and strawberries to make it flavorful. Fatty fish Fish always find their way into the list of almost any kind of healthy food. Digging in on fatty fishes, such as salmon or mackerel, twice or thrice a week can lower LDL, or bad cholesterol. These fish are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which makes your heart stronger by increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL), “good” cholesterol. Beans Beans are packed with soluble fiber, an important nutrient that helps lower cholesterol. They are extremely versatile and available in different varieties such as navy beans, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, and more.
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Top 8 cholesterol-lowering foods

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Useful ways to treat cold and flu

Useful ways to treat cold and flu

Imagine working in a high-security building that uses facial recognition technology to keep out intruders. It works well until the intruders figure out how to breach the security system. It does not matter how often the intruders are caught, new intruders will find new ways to infiltrate. The same analogy can be applied to our body’s immune system and the flu virus. The building is our body, the security system, our immune system, and intruders are the virus trying to enter the body. Whenever a new influenza vaccine is formulated and distributed, more potent viruses develop ways to evade them, making it difficult to treat cold, flu, cough & virus symptoms. So until there is a definitive cure for the infection, it is imperative to take steps to get relief from symptoms and keep the immune system intact. Following are some ways which can provide relief from symptoms and strengthen immunity: Hydration Consuming plenty of fluids helps thin your mucus and breaks congestion. It also prevents headaches and fatigue that is caused by dehydration. Keep a glass or reusable bottle in hand, and refill it with water. Salt water gargles A salt water gargle soothes a throbbing throat. It eases swelling and loosens mucus. Try sipping non-caffeinated herbal tea, lemon water, or warm broth for better results. Pain reliever for fever and aches Using OTC pain relievers to manage cold, flu, cough & virus symptoms can be beneficial, but overdosing on the same can be dangerous. So, check the label and consult with the pharmacist or doctor for the dosage. Decongestant for stuffiness This medicine shrinks blood vessels in the nose so that the airways open up. Overusing decongestant sprays and drops can also cause more congestion. So don’t use them for more than prescribed. Expectorant to thin mucus It can help loosen up the thick discharge, providing relief.
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Top 3 features to consider when buying luxury cars

Top 3 features to consider when buying luxury cars

While luxury cars are all about style, there is much more to them than just leather upholstery and wood trim. Luxury cars are synonymous with top-notch performance, safety, comfort, and the latest technology. The best luxury cars are replete with high-grade features and manufactured using the best spare parts and materials. Some of the basic features in the best luxury cars include automatic climate-control systems, power amenities, and audio systems with Bluetooth connectivity. Additionally, they usually offer an all-wheel drive, spacious cargo, and extra legroom and headroom. However, while shopping for one, ensure that you consider its performance apart from comfort and style. To help you identify the best luxury cars in the market, here are three important performance features you should consider. Fuel economy and engines The best luxury cars usually have a large gas tank and require premium gasoline. This can be expensive; therefore, ensure that the car gives you good mileage and is fuel-efficient. Go for luxury cars that have the latest technologies such as cylinder deactivation. This shuts off certain engine cylinders under low power demands, giving you better mileage while driving on the highway. Another feature is the automatic engine shutoff, where the engine powers down while idling at a traffic light. The engine restarts as soon as the driver releases the brake pedal, thereby saving more fuel. The automatic transmission is another feature that you should look for while buying a luxury car. The best luxury cars usually offer between six- and nine-speed transmissions. Note that the more the number of gears, the better the fuel economy. Many luxury car transmissions allow the option to switch between manual and automatic shifting. They typically have paddles mounted on the steering wheel, making the car more performance-oriented. Drive Wheels Mainstream cars such as hatchbacks and sedans use front-wheel drive (FWD), whereas luxury cars typically come with rear- or all-wheel drive.
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6 effective parenting tips for ADHD

6 effective parenting tips for ADHD

Raising a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD can be overwhelming for parents. Some parents might have realized that the conventional child-rearing process won’t work for children with ADHD, and they need to adopt different approaches. There are many ways in which you can help your child overcome daily challenges, and channel their energies into areas that bring some amount of calmness and stability within them. That said, here are some tips that can help ease disruptive behaviors and deal with ADHD related challenges in children. Praise and encourage good behavior Each time your kid behaves well, you must praise their action and encourage them so they get an idea about what behaviors are acceptable. However, you must also ensure that you speak to them whenever they behave inappropriately and let them know clearly that their behavior is unacceptable and considered irritating to other people. Develop structure Creating a structure with a daily schedule can help reduce distractions. Knowing what they’re expected to do can be extremely calming for children with ADHD. So, you must create a routine for your child and ensure that they follow it every day. You need to get them accustomed to daily activities like homework, meals, playtime, and bedtime. Simple activities like having them lay out the clothes for the following day can provide essential structure. Breaks tasks down for simplicity Children with ADHD generally have a hard time doing complex tasks. So wherever possible, you must break tasks down into smaller steps so they can easily follow. For instance, if you’ve asked your child to clean their room, then you can help break the tasks into smaller activities like laying the bed sheet, folding their clothes, and putting all toys on the floor back into their respective drawers. Promote out-loud thinking This is probably the most effective tip to make children aware of what they are thinking, so they can curb their impulsive behavior.
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Here’s how you can get your allergies detected

Here’s how you can get your allergies detected

How many times have allergies caused you to sneeze every time you take a ride in the open air? Or rashes on coming in contact with a plant? Or swelling as a result of a peanut allergy? Sneezing, running noses, watery eyes, rashes, swelling all these reactions due to allergies can be quite distressing. Allergies are more common and can be caused by various things. The cause of allergies is still unknown, it could be genetic or just a singular development. However, they can be easily detected by just visiting your doctor and undergoing some tests. Read on to know more about what are allergies and how to detect them. What are allergies? The immune system is designed to fight any entrant in the body that it recognizes as foreign. However, at times, the immune system becomes over vigilant and starts fighting foreign entrants that are not harmful. Substances that cause the immune system to react this way are called “allergens”, and when you display symptoms of these interactions, you are diagnosed “allergic” to the substance. Allergens can include plants, grass, pollen, dust, food, animal dander among others. While symptoms like running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, rashes, itching, and others, are all attributed to allergic reactions. How to detect allergies? Consult your doctor Allergies present themselves differently in different people and the severity of the reaction also differs. Hence, it is necessary that you consult with your doctor to figure out the root cause of your allergy. This will just take answering a few questions aside from your routine physical exam. Get tested Allergies can be hereditary just like facial structure or height. But, that does not necessarily mean that you share the same allergies as your parents. Depending on your symptoms, you can undergo blood and skin tests to detect the type of allergy you have.
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Understanding cancer recurrence

Understanding cancer recurrence

Battling cancer victoriously lets one breathe a little easier. But, that does not take away the all-consuming fear a cancer survivor harbors inside of themselves. Fear and anxiety does hinder daily life, and the only option one has is to be calm and positive. Yet, one gets jittery with every follow-up with the doctor. The fear is not baseless though. Cancer in all its entirety can sometimes relapse. The returning of cancer after having gone through the initial treatments to get rid of the cancer is recurrence. It can be because the treatment failed to completely remove some malignant cells from the body that eventually started multiplying aggressively again. These cancerous cells may or may not originate in the same place as the first time. Types In most recurrence cases, cancer that returns after the remission period is the same one that the patient had suffered from earlier. In some cases, however, it can be a different type of cancer and might not be related to the first one. The types of cancer recurrence are: Local It is when cancer has returned where it had first occurred or somewhere close. Local recurrence of cancer signifies that cancer has not spread elsewhere. Regional Regional and local recurrence can be differentiated on the basis of the presence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes surrounding the area of origin. Distant When cancer enters the metastasis stage, it spreads to other parts of the body distant from the site of origin. Distant recurrence is the returning of cancer different from its initial occurrence. The site of recurrence of cancer is mainly based upon the type and the stage of the cancer being treated. Depending on its type, cancer can recur in some specific sites, like lungs, liver, bones or in the brain, Symptoms The symptoms of cancer recurrence are relevant to its type of recurrence.
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Chronic fatigue syndrome – Risk factors, symptoms, causes and more

Chronic fatigue syndrome – Risk factors, symptoms, causes and more

Chronic fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome causes extreme tiredness. It is a never ending feeling of fatigue, that does not go away even with rest and sleep. There has been no underlying medical ailment found, that causes chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS. Usually, women have a higher risk of CFS. However, this disorder can occur in anyone. Here are a few things to know about chronic fatigue syndrome. Common risk factors People belonging to the age group of 40- 50 years are generally at a high risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome. Additionally, women in this age group are at a higher risk than men. Prolonged allergies, a family history of CFS, genetic predisposition, unhealthy living environment, extreme psychological stress, and certain environmental factors also increase the risk of chronic fatigue syndrome. Common symptoms Based on the severity of the disorder, the symptoms will also differ from person to person. The most common symptom observed in those with CFS is extreme and severe fatigue. The intensity of fatigue is so extreme that it affects a person’s lifestyle. It hampers their ability to carry out every day routine tasks. This fatigue can last for six months or more. In some cases, a person may experience post-exertional malaise or PEM. PEM is extreme fatigue experienced for 24 hours after carrying out mental or physical activities. Some people may also experience other symptoms like loss of memory, sleep disorders such as insomnia, low concentration, joint pain, orthostatic intolerance, muscle pain, and frequent headaches. Common causes The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is not yet known. There has been no conclusive research to determine what exactly causes CFS. However, there are multiple contributing reasons that cause chronic fatigue. These include a weak immune system, extreme stress, hormonal imbalances, and prolonged viral infections.
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How to prepare for old age

How to prepare for old age

Aging is never looked forward to and is always portrayed in diminishing and negative light. All talk about aging is rife with difficulty, pain, and niggles. The biggest change, when it comes to aging, is the physiological changes and deterioration. Everything ranging from your heart to your head and from your bones to your muscles undergoes wear and tear over the years. This is one of the biggest fears associated with aging; and therefore, there is never a healthy discussion over it. However, the best way to react to aging is to prepare for it via information, practice, and adopting healthy life choices and routines. Before you learn how to prepare for aging, you need to know which parts of your body primarily slow down with age. Heart As you age, the muscles in your body stiffen – these include the muscles of the cardiovascular system. Due to this, your heart is forced to pump harder which increases the risk of heart problems. Brain With age, your thinking capability and memory both seem to diminish. You may find yourself tinkering around to remember basic things such as names of people or places or where you kept a certain object such as keys. Digestive system Similar to other systems of the body, the digestive system loses its capacity to digest, absorb, and assimilate food. As you age, you may become more prone to constipation, acidity, and other gastrointestinal problems. Urinary tract With age, your bladder loses elasticity, losing control of your bladder. You may have to visit the loo frequently or even have trouble with incontinence. Senses With age, your eyesight may diminish, your earring may get impaired, and even your sense of smell may be affected. How to prepare for aging? There is certainly no stopping the natural phenomena of aging.
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5 common types of sleep disorders and their treatment

5 common types of sleep disorders and their treatment

Adequate and quality sleep is extremely important for mental and physical well-being. People struggle with various kinds of sleep disorders that can cause extreme discomfort and prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep. This, in turn, can make them feel tired during the day, affect their concentration levels, and even cause depression. Let’s take a look at some of the common sleep disorders people suffer from and understand how they can be treated. Types of sleep disorders Here are the five most common types of sleep disorders: Insomnia Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder among adults and is characterized by the inability to fall or remain asleep for long. It is often the result of anxiety, stress, digestion issues, or other underlying health conditions. For some people, insomnia can last for a few years, while others may only experience a few sleepless nights at a time. Sleep apnea Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that can be chronic at times. A person with sleep apnea may stop breathing for a few seconds multiple times at night, which reduces the oxygen levels in their blood and triggers them to wake up and breathe normally again. This leads to disturbed and low-quality sleep. Parasomnias People with parasomnia display a quirky behavior while they’re asleep. People around them could often find them sleepwalking, sleep talking, groaning, having nightmares, bedwetting, grinding their teeth, or clenching their jaw. Sometimes, parasomnia is caused by underlying sleep disorders like sleep apnea, and treating the underlying condition can stop the parasomnia episodes in such cases. Restless leg syndrome Some people can’t sleep without moving their legs throughout the night. This is known as the restless leg syndrome and occurs when the individual experiences aches or a burning or tingling sensation in their legs. The exact cause of this sleep disorder is not yet known, but experts say that it can be triggered by underlying causes like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson’s disease.
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5 tips for finding the cheapest deals on cruises

5 tips for finding the cheapest deals on cruises

The definition of “the best” is quite subjective when it comes to cruise deals. For some, it simply means getting the ticket at a lower-than-usual price, while others may define the best deal as getting a free cabin upgrade to a higher deck. Whatever it may be, getting a great cruise deal requires a lot of planning and a little bit of luck. Here are a few important tips that can help you grab great cruise deals without burning a hole in your pocket: Book several months in advance Cruise lines always open their bookings several months in advance, and booking over 6 months before sailing can help you save big bucks. Many cruise lines today offer low price guarantees, which means if the fares drop after you’ve made the booking, you can either get a refund or a cabin upgrade. That being said, ensure that you monitor the price every week if you’ve booked months in advance. If there is a price drop, contact your travel agent and ask them to get you a refund or cabin upgrade. Or book a few weeks or days in advance No need to worry if you haven’t been able to book months in advance. You must know that cruises lose a huge sum if they sail with empty cabins. So, you can book a few weeks or days before departure to get the cruise at a low price. This is also a great alternative to flying since last-minute airfares are outrageously expensive. But this is where your little bit of luck comes into play, as a cruise might not always have empty cabins so close to their departure date. Sail with a large group Cruising with your whole family, friends, or even your coworkers is a brilliant way of saving a huge amount of money.
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4 luxurious hotels for your next overseas vacation

4 luxurious hotels for your next overseas vacation

The travel and leisure industry has transformed the way people experience and enjoy an exotic getaway. With growing demand and equally high expectations, hotels and resort chains have to adapt to providing the best hospitality services while competing in a market with the top players. We bring you some of the best brands in the industry and weigh the pros and cons of choosing them to help you plan your next international vacation. Take a look. Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts Banyan Tree is more than just a hotel brand, it is an experience that will redefine your travel expectations, and even experience, for good. After enjoying the exclusive offers at mesmerizing destinations around the world, you will find yourself becoming an appreciating patron of the luxurious amenities in no time. Plan your destination wedding at one of their exotic hotels overlooking majestic beauty, or enjoy a perfect romantic getaway on your honeymoon. Celebrate your anniversary or plan your next corporate retreat with Banyan Tree’s vacation and travel packages. You can also enjoy direct booking perks and flexible cancellation policies. Rosewood Hotels & Resorts The residential-style hotels spread across continents are inspired by every destination’s culture and history to give you authentic travel experience. With 14 international city hotels and 13 exclusive resorts, Rosewood offers a luxurious 5-star experience. Currently, the brand has properties in 16 countries, and it offers the perfect venues and settings for you to plan your wedding, with hospitality services that have earned the hotel chain several accolades over the years. Or you can choose a luxurious 5-star location to host the next big international conference to promote your business. From ballrooms, conference rooms, and meeting venues to beach resorts for the next business retreat, Rosewood has it all. Tivoli Hotels & Resorts Tivoli has been an engaged innkeeper for several decades since the chain of hotels was first launched in 1933.
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5 amazing hacks to book flights for cheap

5 amazing hacks to book flights for cheap

Airfare is generally the most expensive part of a trip. If you’ve tried booking a flight before, you realize how frustrating it is to see the fare rise every time you search for the same flight. Airlines are trying their best to pull money out of our pockets, so we’ve to become smarter too. Here’s how you can find the cheapest flight possible: Go incognito Have you noticed a fare hike after searching for the same flight a few times? This is not exactly happening because your flight is in demand. While the exact technical details about how this happens are uncertain, experts say that your browser cookies are to blame. So, it’s always recommended to search for and book a flight in your browser’s incognito mode. The incognito window resets your cookies each time you open it and can help you find a flight at a lower price. Having said that, it is still best to avoid searching for the same flight multiple times. The search engine matters Using the right search engine is very important to find the cheapest flight to your destination. Although there’s no single flight search engine that can help you get great deals, Skyscanner, Momondo, and Google Flights are the three favorite search engines among travelers right now. That being said, there’s never a guarantee that they are showing you the lowest prices, so you should check out a couple of other websites before booking. Pick the cheapest day to fly You might have heard people saying that you can save money by flying on a Tuesday or Wednesday, but it’s not a consistent truth, and there is no “cheapest day of the week” to fly out. Instead, if you want to get an idea of which day(s) can be the least expensive to fly, you must get a quick visual of prices for a whole month.
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4 pocket-friendly destinations to see around the world

4 pocket-friendly destinations to see around the world

Have you caught the travel bug but don’t have enough money? That is fine! The world is enormous and full of incredibly gorgeous places that you can explore on a budget. If you know just a few travel hacks, then even a seemingly expensive destination can be toured at a significantly cheaper cost. Here are the 4 best destinations from around the world that you can travel to and explore at affordable prices. Cambodia Southeast Asia has always been the favorite travel destination of virtually all budget-minded travelers. While most of the countries here are worth exploring, Cambodia is something exceptional. You need barely $50 per day in your wallet, and you’re all set to traverse the country. You can find delicious street food for only $2, transportation across the country costs as little as $20, and an air-conditioned room is available for only $20. Compared to its neighbor, Cambodia is the least expensive and just as beautiful. And, of course, don’t forget to visit the enormous Buddhist temple complex of Angkor Wat while you’re there. Central America Smaller Central American countries—Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala—are great destinations for your budget travel bucket list. You can easily find good hotels for only $15, meals for $3, and of course, beer for less than a dollar. Bus journeys across the country are also very cheap. Central America is a great place to visit for anyone who wants to explore the Mayan ruins in Guatemala, trek through the jungle, try surfing, and savor delicious food with tourists from across the world. You can travel this part of the world very comfortably in less than $60 a day. India If you can manage to survive on spicy food and avoid staying in five-star resorts, India is one of the most beautiful places that you can explore for less money.
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Key features of the 2019 Toyota Highlander

Key features of the 2019 Toyota Highlander

Despite the launch of its 2020 variant, the 2019 Toyota Highlander remains one of the most popular midsize three-row SUVs in the market. Complete with a sturdy exterior, high-end interior, and the masterful Toyota craftsmanship that is present throughout, the SUV is among the first choices for everything from family adventures to running an errand. If you’re planning to buy the 2019 Toyota Highlander, then here are some important features and specifications that you should know about: Performance features The 2019 Toyota Highlander is a classic blend of spacious comfort and stylized innovation that most buyers look for in an SUV. With 44.2 inches of legroom in the front row and 38.4 inches of legroom in the second row, the interior is comfortable, luxurious, and makes riding in style a reality. All trim variants of the Highlander are powered by a 3.5-liter V6 engine, except the base model LE, which is equipped with a 2.7-liter, four-cylinder engine. It features tie-down hooks and cargo lights to help you easily load and unload stuff. The SUV is also packed with many useful features such as high-beam headlights and radar cruise control to ensure the safety of passengers. Safety features Talking about safety, the 2019 Toyota Highlander is loaded with standard and innovative safety features. All trim variants of the 2019 Highlander are equipped with Toyota Safety Sense P (TSS-P), which includes pedestrian detection, autonomous emergency braking, and lane-departure warning signal with automatic steering correction. Buyers also have the option to upgrade the SUV to include the Toyota Safety Connect, which has features such as roadside assistance, or the Star Safety System, which includes multiple state-of-the-art safety features. Technological features Along with several basic technological features that are standard across SUVs today, the 2019 Highlander gives you the option to include more as per your preference.
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The 4 outstanding trim levels of the 2020 Honda CR-V

The 4 outstanding trim levels of the 2020 Honda CR-V

Honda simply does it better. The automaker’s new 2020 CR-V model is even more efficient and capable than its predecessor. It’s fresh-faced and comes in four trim levels with varying features, performance specifications, interior comfort, and driver-assistance technologies that deliver a safe and delightful driving experience. That said, you’re sure to get the authentic Honda experience despite the trim level you choose. So, let’s take a look at the four different trim levels of the 2020 Honda CR-V: LX, EX, EX-L, and Touring. LX The CR-V LX is the base model of the 2020 Honda CR-V. The LX model received the most amount of upgrades compared to the other trim levels. It is now powered by a turbocharged 4-cylinder, 1.5-liter engine that produces 190 horsepower, which was not even an option in the previous LX trim of CR-V. It now features the exclusive Honda Sensing® system that consists of several advanced driver-assistance technologies that allow the driver to feel safe and comfortable on the road. It’s equipped with 17-inch alloy wheels for better design and excellent power, and the interior comes with a foldable rear seat to accommodate more space for cargo. More features of the LX include: Available Real Time AWD with Intelligent Control System™ Automatic Climate Control System 160-Watt Audio System with 4 Speakers Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® Remote Entry System Power Side Mirrors Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) Body Structure EX The CR-V EX is the next trim level and the most popular of all. Like the LX model, the EX is powered by the turbocharged 1.5-liter engine, which is now standard in all four variants of the car. When compared to the LX model, it is equipped with the additional Blind Spot Information System with Cross Traffic Monitor. This adds an extra bit of safety for the drivers and makes them feel confident while driving.
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Five reasons to buy the 2020 Toyota Tacoma

Five reasons to buy the 2020 Toyota Tacoma

As far as midsize pickup trucks go, it has become increasingly hard to look beyond Toyota’s Tacoma. The revolutionary truck has been a segment leader for more than a decade now. The 2020 Toyota Tacoma, which was released in September last year, is all set to continue the legacy. Replete with top-notch and cutting-edge upgrades and features the 2020 Toyota Tacoma still rules the roost. Continue reading to know why you should buy the 2020 Toyota Tacoma. Powerful off-road experience A common reason behind buying trucks is to add adventure to your travel. Off-roading brings great thrill and trucks are ideal for such challenging terrains. For years, the Tacoma has pioneered the art of off-roading and the 2020 model is no exception. The TRD Off-Road trim is specially designed for such environments and is equipped with Blistein shocks that have valves tuned for off-roading. Additionally, there’s a multi-terrain select feature replete with modes that aid the driver in crossing different types of surfaces by adjusting traction control and engine throttle. Crawl control is another sensor system that enables the 2020 Toyota Tacoma to crawl over rocks or sand. Tough and dependable truck For 13 years Tacoma has been America’s first-choice midsize pickup, and for good reasons! The build quality of the car has been solid through the years, with the 2020 Toyota Tacoma living up to the reputation. 2020 Toyota Tacoma’s frame is made of high-strength steel while the body features hot-stamped, ultra high strength steel. Customer reviews of the car are equally good, with most of them praising the durability, dependability, and longevity of the model. Enhanced experience with Multi-terrain Monitor (MTM) Available only on certain trims, the Multi-terrain Monitor (MTM) is another feature that adds to the 2020 Tacoma’s unique off-roading experience. The system utilizes cameras in the front, rear, and both sides of the car to help drivers navigate their way past major obstacles.
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5 popular electric cars of the year

5 popular electric cars of the year

First developed in the 1830s, all-electric cars are not really a new phenomenon. However, it is only recently that electric cars have begun to steadily compete for a large chunk of the market share, along with traditional fossil-fuel-driven vehicles. With more advancements in the engine, charging technology, and battery, electric cars have now become a environmentally-feasible alternative to fossil-fuel cars. Plus, electric cars can help to save significantly on the overall cost of gas. Here are some of the popular and best electric cars of the year in the market right now. Kia Niro EV: The Kia Niro EV is available as a pure electric care as well as a hybrid car. This crossover is almost an SUV with a hatchback. The base hybrid model offers a mileage of 52 mpg. It is powered by strong electric motors, which makes the drive quite smooth on the road. Moreover, the interior storage is very spacious. Additionally, the infotainment system has a user-friendly interface and is quite hassle-free to use. The EV range is 239 miles. The price starts from $39,090 approximately. The car comes with a standard SAE combo charger for faster charging. Nissan Leaf: The 2020 Nissan Leaf has been completely redesigned, and it is an surefire upgrade over the previous models. One of the best electric cars in the market, the Nissan Leaf also runs more quietly than its previous model. Moreover, the car has become much more comfortable, except for taller drivers since the steering doesn’t have telescopic abilities. This top-rated affordable electric car is priced from $31,600 with an EV range of 149-226 miles. Hyundai Kona Electric: One of the most popular options in the best electric cars range, the Hyundai Kona Electric debuted in 2019. At an affordable starting price range of approximately $37, 200, this electric car’s range is as good as a high-priced luxury range.
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3 popular monthly fashion box subscriptions for men

3 popular monthly fashion box subscriptions for men

Do you need an effortless way to shop for the latest fashion and apparel? Your prayers have been answered with monthly fashion boxes for men and women that are delivered home. A seasoned stylist can curate a box of clothing and apparel to fill your wardrobe based on a simple questionnaire. The subscription service is also an affordable way to pay for fashion that you like to explore. You can create a custom wardrobe in a few simple steps with these three top services. Stich fix Stitch fix is a unique no-subscription service that curates monthly fashion boxes for men and women. The process begins with an elaborate questionnaire to help the expert understand your clothing and styling needs. Based on the answers given, stylists at the company will curate the best design, fit, and apparel preference for your wardrobe. Customization is one of the critical features of this service so expect a personal style experience with every order. Stylists handpick the best choices for a service fee of just $20, and you can try out all options before making a purchase. Stitch fix features order on-demand as well, so you don’t have to wait around for scheduled box deliveries necessarily. Gentleman’s box Choosing a style that suits your personality can become tedious at times. This is where expert advice from seasoned stylists can come in real handy. Gentleman’s box offers a wide range of customization with monthly gifts and annual subscriptions in men’s fashion. The signup process is quite straightforward, wherein you can update membership details and choose a plan. With boxes starting at just $35 for the monthly subscription, the first one ships immediately upon registration. Depending on the plan you choose, expect 4-6 boxes of assorted boxes shipped every month. Gentleman’s box subscription is flexible, so you can skip and cancel orders without any questions asked from the dashboard.
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4 face powders for glowing skin

4 face powders for glowing skin

Face powder seems like a basic product, but it is very easy to end up buying the wrong item. The reason for this is the lack of knowledge about the ingredients that make a good face powder. It is important to know what they are, as the right ingredients help mattify the face and absorb oil, keep makeup from sliding off throughout the day, and provide a radiant glow. The best face powder formulas also feel light on the skin and go well with blush and foundation. In this article, we’ve rounded up the best face powders based on the ingredients in them. Original Loose Powder Mineral Foundation SPF 15 Made from a combination of titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, mica, and bismuth oxychloride, this face powder sits comfortably on the skin and is also easy to apply. It is lightweight and covers the skin with a natural, luminous finish. The powder is also vegan and can help fight dark circles, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Airbrush Flawless Finish Setting Powder This face powder boasts of its ability to provide a bright, illuminating finish on the skin. Mica, talc, and silica used in the powder help blur away fine lines and wrinkles and diffuse the light hitting your face. Meanwhile, the rose wax and almond oil help keep the skin hydrated throughout the day, enabling the product to blend flawlessly. Translucent Loose Setting Powder Unlike others, this powder doesn’t come in the form of a cake. The loose powder formula prevents caking under the eyes and helps lock in makeup for up to 16 hours, which is virtually unheard of. It also absorbs oil better than others, creates a flawless finish, and works on pretty much every skin tone, although people with oily, combo, or normal skin will like it better.
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5 powder foundations that suit oily skin

5 powder foundations that suit oily skin

Summer, hands down, is the worst season for makeup lovers. You may wait for the season all year long to enjoy outdoor activities, but your full face of makeup may disagree. And if you have oily skin, then you definitely know what we’re talking about. For this reason, we have compiled a list of a few powder-based foundations that will prevent your face from looking greasy. Neutrogena Mineral Sheers Compact Powder Foundation This is the perfect powder foundation for those who prefer a natural look. It’s ideal for oily skin, as it helps control the secretion of oil and also stays in place. The powder is well-pigmented and features a matte finish, and is ideal to be carried on the go. It is available on Neutrogena’s website for $13.99. Maybelline SuperStay Full Coverage Powder Foundation This full-coverage foundation is one that most women rely on for its high pigmentation and bendability. It leaves a matte finish on the skin, making it the ideal powder foundation for oily skin. It is available in 12 shades and can be purchased for $9.99 on Maybelline’s official website. Cover FX Pressed Mineral Foundation This powder foundation does a great job of keeping itself from cracking or melting. It absorbs the excess oil from your face and leaves the skin looking fresh for a long period of time. Made with kaolin, a clay with absorbent properties, this vegan foundation has buildable coverage. It costs $38. bareMinerals barePro Performance Wear Powder Foundation This powder foundation works effortlessly on acne-prone, oily skin. Its velvety texture works well to hide blemishes and scars. Its formula is so good that it could make you bid adieu to liquid foundations forever. Available at premium cosmetic retailers, it can also be purchased for $33 off the brand’s website. Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Foundation Powder This long-wearing foundation powder is oil-free and lightweight.
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Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a makeup queen or one that wears only the bare minimum, you can never leave out lipsticks. In fact, most of us always carry our favorite lipstick wherever we go. Nonetheless, if you haven’t found “the one” or are looking for different shades, here are the five best lipsticks you need to check out. Charlotte Tilbury K.i.s.s.i.n.g. Lipstick This product is all you need for luminous, bold, and perfect lips. Its wax formula makes the lipstick glide on your lips while keeping them hydrated. It is infused with natural ingredients that help fight UV damage and oxidative stress, leaving your lips supple and soft. Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick With its unique arrow-shaped applicator, applying lipstick becomes almost effortless. It lasts for up to 16 hours and is available in over 35 amazing colors. This bold matte lipstick can be removed seamlessly using Maybelline’s SuperStay Eraser lipstick remover. It is available in various online and offline stores for only $9.49. L’Oréal Paris Colour Riche Satin Lipstick This $6 lipstick is surprisingly one of the best ones out of the lot. It is affordable and comes in over 52 fabulous shades across four color families – red, berry, pink and nude. You can choose any shade of your choice; they are perfect for any occasion. It contains omega 3, vitamin E, and argan oil to help keep the lips soft and nourished. These lipsticks are available across various online stores. Bobbi Brown Crushed Shine Jelly Stick This lipstick is created by infusing essential fruit oils like apricot, sweet cherry, and papaya to give your lips a natural, plump look. Its jelly-like formula helps keep the lips hydrated and makes application smooth and easy. Moreover, it is free from parabens, animal-derived ingredients, and talc. You can pick any shade of the six exciting colors.
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5 benefits of opting for debt settlement

5 benefits of opting for debt settlement

Debt settlement can be a financial lifesaver for many. Managing debt is quite a difficult task. With every advancing payment due date, one may feel their finances getting tighter and tighter. Between paying for a house mortgage, student loans, credit card debt, personal loans, and many other debts, it is quite common to miss out on paying one payment. Although it may not seem like a big problem initially, this is not good for financial health in the long term. This is where debt settlement comes in. There are multiple benefits to availing debt settlement offered by some of the top 10 debt settlement companies. No more bills With debt settlement, no more bills will be incoming in the mailbox. Debt settlement results in the closure of a debt account by the creditor. In such cases, one will not be able to use their credit cards again. However, this can be beneficial since it will prevent further debt in the future. With debt settlement, there is a permanent erasure of debt. No more collection calls With mounting debt, the calls of creditors are always incessant. If one if falling behind on too many bills, they are bound to be subjected to creditor calls throughout the day. This can add to the stress of not being able to clear away all the dues. Plus, many collection departments are not known to be kind on calls. When a debt settlement is opted for, it will stop the incessant calls from the various collection departments. No bankruptcy risk Rather than filing for bankruptcy, debt settlement is a better option. With the bankruptcy filing, credit score can deteriorate quite significantly. In some cases, the credit score has slid down by nearly 200 points, taking a good credit score to bad credit score. The credit score lowers with debt settlement too.
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Pros and cons of automated investing

Pros and cons of automated investing

Automated investing services, or Robo advisors, have become ubiquitous in the present times. Many financial service companies now have their own automated investing services. There’s no doubt that the introduction of Robo advisors has made investing an accessible financial option to many. However, automated investing has some disadvantages as well. So, before you decide to opt for the best automated investing service, have a look at its pros and cons. Pros of using Robo advisors Low fee Low management fees are one of the biggest advantages of opting for a Robo advisor. Big names in the finance industry such as Charles Schwab Corp.’s Intelligent Portfolios offer Robo advisors for free, while some financial institutes such as Betterment and Wealthfront charge a low 0.25% as a management fee. High-quality investment portfolios Algorithms used in some of the best automated investing services such as the ones provided by Betterment are backed by Nobel prize-winning investment models. These models are created to offer the greatest return on investment for the smallest risks. Access to a financial advisor Many traditional financial services companies now use Robo advisors to select assets for their client’s investment portfolios. This allows them to offer their clients financial advisers that can help them with taxes, loans, and any kind of financing or investment. Easy to use Robo advisors make the entire investing process extremely quick and easy. With Robo advisors, all you need to do is answer some questions about your financial goal, risk tolerance, and capital, and the algorithm will come up with an investment portfolio that is suitable for your needs. Low minimum balance Even individuals with low net worth can enjoy the services of professional advisory via Robo advisors. Several investment companies such as Betterment and Ellevest offer access to the best automated investing services even with zero balance.
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4 tips that can help you pick the right investment advisor

4 tips that can help you pick the right investment advisor

An investment advisor can be a game-changer. A capable advisor can help solve most of your financial issues and give you the best investment advice so that you can turn market situations to your favor. But, finding the right investment advisor is not easy. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind while looking for the best investment advisor. Know what type of service you need First, you need to decide what kind of financial assistance you need. Do you need help picking investments? Or are you seeking advice on real estate, retirement, or insurance needs? Asking yourself these questions will help determine the type of investment advisor you are looking for. Nowadays, many people use a robo-advisor, which is as competent as a human investment advisor. A robo-advisor is great for investment management and other basic investments. But if you want substantial transformation in your money-situation, a human advisor is the viable option. Choose a fee-only advisor If you’ve decided to pick a human advisor, the next step is to choose the type of advisor: commission-based, fee-based, or fee-only. If you’re planning something big financially, you must pick a fee-only advisor. Such advisors work for and get paid by other clients like you, so they always act in their clients’ best interest. They give comprehensive advice on real estate, investing, taxes, retirement, education funding, and insurance planning. Fee-only investment advisors don’t earn money by selling commission or fee-based products for companies. They instead earn money through the fees they charge you. They generally have hourly rates, or they need to be paid a certain percentage of their managing money. Check their credentials It’s vital to check the credentials of the person who is likely to become your investment advisor. Often the best investment advisors have well-recognized academic credentials such as chartered financial analyst (CFA) or certified financial planner (CFP).
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Handy tips for retirement-focused investments

Handy tips for retirement-focused investments

With pension plans becoming more and more obsolete, retirement-focused investments have come to the fore in the past few years. Besides helping you fund your future, these valuable assets also provide incredible gains, and in some cases, constant income till the end of life. Since investing for retirement—and planning it—can prove to be challenging, we have put together a list of tips that may be helpful in the process. Assess your options Multiple investment vehicles are ideal for long-term gains and can return a sizable amount by the time you retire. Mutual funds, stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, cash investments, annuities, and dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) are also good sources of high returns, although they depend on investor characteristics and risk aptitude. Saving money in certain tax-advantaged accounts such as 401(k), individual retirement accounts (IRA), and brokerage accounts is also an option. Start early and young No one is ever too young to invest. It’s a healthy habit that can earn serious money in the long term, with even the smallest of investments capable of making a difference a few years down the line. Starting early gives your money time to grow and lets you accumulate more compound interest over a period of time. The amount and time of investment can be increased periodically, till one reaches the stage of retirement. Be consistent and automate investments Like every good habit, consistency is an important part of investing. A long-term goal and vision helps maintain discipline and allows you to navigate testing times that threaten to dissolve the underlying idea altogether. Automation is a valuable tool that can be leveraged to directly deduct the investment amount from your account at a specific day of the month. Setting up an automatic investment plan is an effective way to go about it. Diversify As the famous saying goes, putting all your eggs in one basket doesn’t do much good.
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5 tips to choose the right dog food

5 tips to choose the right dog food

Any loving and responsible pet parent would want their dog to eat the healthiest food. After all, a nutritious meal plan directly affects their mood, behavior, overall health, and longevity. However, if you’re looking for dog food, you might have realized that choosing one isn’t easy. There are a variety of options from numerous brands, all claiming to be the most nutritious dog food in the market. To help you narrow down your options, we have shared a few tips to pick the right food product for your dog. Read on to find out! Consider your dog’s breed, weight, and age The physical characteristics of dogs vary significantly from one breed to another. Accordingly, their nutritional requirements also change. For example, a German Shepherd needs a totally different set of nutrients to stay healthy and active than a Chihuahua. Similarly, overweight dogs’ meal plan is a lot different than that of underweight and ideal-weight dogs. Age also plays a vital role in determining a dog’s nutritional needs. Verify nutritional requirements When shopping for dog food, be sure to pick one that’s not overloaded with artificial ingredients like preservatives that can harm their health. The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) is a voluntary organization that has laid down strict requirements to ensure that a product has all the essential macro and micronutrients for pets. So, you should only buy dog foods that are certified by AAFCO. Check the labels and ingredients Reading the ingredients list is crucial to selecting appropriate dog food. The best products have whole proteins, such as ground beef, diced chicken, or dried yeast, listed as their first ingredients. Keep in mind that dogs, unlike cats, are not strict carnivores. Though meat is generally the most vital component of their food regimen, grains, fruits, and vegetables also provide them with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
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4 factors to remember while buying cat food

4 factors to remember while buying cat food

Buying cat food seems easy until you’re faced with tons of brands and different options to choose from. The question then is, what should you choose? Better yet, how do you choose? To make this process simpler, here are four pointers that will help you pick the right cat food for your beloved pet. Understand your cat’s nutritional needs Before you even get to the part of buying the cat food, you need to understand your cat’s nutritional needs. These needs can vary from cat to cat. Once you’ve understood this, you can narrow down your choices for the kind and brand of food you want to buy. Typically, cats need proteins, taurine, vitamins, minerals, and tons of water. Make sure the kind of food that you are choosing fulfills these essential requirements. Read the label When you have to pick the right foods for your cat, you need to start by reading the label. The label of any cat food will provide you with all the nutritional information that you need. You can first start by looking for the source of protein. Ensure that they mention the source of the protein such as chicken, turkey, lamb, or beef rather than simply mentioning ‘meat’. You also need to check for sources of vitamins and minerals. The label will also contain information regarding the expiration of the product. Another thing that you must look out for when buying cat food is AAFCO’s approval. Look for ones with added health benefits Another great thing about cat food is that you can get tons of health benefits from one package. From foods that are tailored to give your cat a shiny coat to those that help promote digestive health, you can find them all. Foods that provide these additional benefits not only keep your cat healthy but also help them look and feel good.
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10 foods that are toxic for dogs

10 foods that are toxic for dogs

Certain foods that are safe and healthy for humans can be severely toxic for dogs. Understanding what these foods are can not only help one manage what they feed their dog better but also create a more dog-friendly home. Here’s a list of eight foods that one should keep away from a dog. Avocado The leaves and fruits of the avocado plant are harmful to dogs. This is because avocados contain persin, a chemical that is completely safe for humans but very toxic for dogs. If eaten, even a small quantity can cause difficulty in breathing and fluid accumulation in their organs, which can lead to death. Chocolate All types of chocolates are harmful to dogs, but dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate are the worst of the lot. They contain an element called theobromine which can cause severe problems like diarrhea, seizures, and even death in dogs. Always keep chocolates out of a dog’s reach to prevent this from happening. Cooked fat and bones Although it may seem perfectly normal to give a dog a bone, don’t do it. Dogs find it difficult to digest cooked bones. Moreover, it may also splinter or act as a choking hazard to them. Additionally, trimmed fat from both cooked and raw meat is dangerous for dogs and may cause pancreatitis. Xylitol-based foods Processed goods like gums, bakery products, and candies contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol. When consumed, xylitol can lower blood sugar levels, liver failure, and even death in dogs. The common symptoms of xylitol ingestion include lethargy, vomiting, and seizures. Certain peanut butters may also contain this chemical. Therefore, one must always check the ingredient list before buying it for a dog. Caffeine Coffee, tea, and energy drinks containing caffeine can be very dangerous to dogs. Even a few sips can cause severe problems for them.
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Human foods that even cats can enjoy

Human foods that even cats can enjoy

Cats are fussy eaters, and that’s why brands make sure that their foods meet feline standards. But some foods that we humans consume also happen to be safe for cats and can be fed to them in moderation. These foods take minimal time to prepare, and it is better to serve something wholesomely made in your kitchen rather than relying solely on packaged cat food. Here are a few choices to consider: Eggs Eggs pack nutrients that are beneficial for humans as well as safe to feed cats. In fact, eggs are a staple food ingredient found in different types of cat food, both wet and dry recipes. But ensure that you don’t feed them raw eggs as this increases the risk of salmonella. Lightly seasoned boiled or scrambled eggs are fine as long as given in moderate amounts. Vegetables and fruits Quite an assortment of vegetables and fruits that we eat are safe for cats. Cooked spinach is a popular nutritious option to consider as the veggie is rich in iron, calcium, vitamins A, C, and E. Pumpkin is an excellent choice low in calories and high in fiber. Cats can also safely munch on some banana slices, apples, blueberries, strawberries, pears, watermelon, and some cantaloupe. White meat Chicken and turkey are excellent human foods that are safe for cats. In fact, both these types of meat are lean sources of rich protein and are featured among the main ingredients found in commercially processed cat food. Serve only cooked portions of chicken and turkey after they are thoroughly cleaned. Remember to serve such meat in small amounts as your pets make take some time to get used to a new source of protein. A few slices of bacon and ham can be given on occasion. Salmon Cats love fish.
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What does your auto insurance policy cover

What does your auto insurance policy cover

Auto insurance is mandatory in most states for anyone who plans to drive a rental or buy a vehicle. It is an investment that protects the driver from unforeseen liabilities that may arise due to accidents. The insurance covers the cost of damages done to the vehicle and pays for injuries sustained by the parties involved in the accident. Some insurance companies also provide cover for legal costs and fees in case the aggrieved party decides to press charges. You can browse and easily purchase auto insurance online. But before you do so, take a quick look at what an auto insurance covers. Coverage for liability Liability is an unforeseen event, an obligation in this case that arises when there has been an accident. You are liable to cover and pay for damages to the vehicle and any involved property. All insurance policies cover basic liability. In addition to this, it states the financial cost that you must bear in case the aggrieved party suffers injuries. Note that this coverage is not available for the policyholder and covers only the cost incurred by the third party. The property damage clause further specifies what all is covered for damage to the vehicle involved in the accident and the surrounding property. Uninsured coverage It may so happen that the other party may not have an insurance policy. To protect you from uninsured or underinsured drivers, auto insurance also provides cover for liability and damages caused in such accidents. This coverage is crucial to save you from paying for repairs and replacement of uninsured vehicles or properties out of your pocket. Comprehensive and collision coverage Note that comprehensive and collision coverage are two different things. With a comprehensive cover, the insurance pays for repairs and replacement in case of theft, vandalism, damage from fire, or falling objects like trees, any weather elements such as hai,l and other natural disasters.
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5 digestive conditions and their symptoms

5 digestive conditions and their symptoms

Located between the small intestine and the esophagus, the stomach is the center of the digestive system. In most cases, other health disorders, the consumption of certain foods, the quantity of food consumed, and the timing of meals can upend the digestive process. This leads to the manifestation of several symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, appetite changes, belching, and abdominal pain. Each of these symptoms or combination of symptoms is the result of a specific stomach condition. Here are some of the common digestion-related stomach conditions that trouble almost everyone: Gallstones: Formed in the gallbladder, gallstones are hard deposits of digestive fluid. The gallbladder is responsible for storing and secreting the bile required for digestion, and stones form if the gallbladder does not empty out properly. These deposits also form when there is a high amount of cholesterol or waste products in the bile. Intense pain can occur if the gallstones block the ducts that lead from the gallbladder to the intestines. Medications and surgery are usually the solutions for dissolving or removing the stones, respectively. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) : GERD occurs when the acid in the stomach flows back up the esophagus. A person experiences a burning sensation in their chest due to this. While heartburn and acid reflux are common once in a while, experiencing these symptoms for more than twice a week can indicate GERD. The symptoms of this stomach condition usually include bad breath, tooth erosion, breathing trouble, and trouble swallowing. Avoiding trigger foods and taking medications help people with mild GERD. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) : IBS causes stomach pain and discomfort, which may be experienced at least thrice a month and can go on for several months without any relief. The main cause of IBS is not yet known, and the symptoms usually include constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.
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4 simple tips to find the best cable provider

4 simple tips to find the best cable provider

If you’re looking to subscribe to a new cable service provider, you might realize that the task is not that easy. A provider’s website might be difficult to navigate, and you probably won’t find what you’re looking for. Additionally, they offer bundled services, which can add to your confusion, especially if you’re trying to navigate through the process for the first time. So, read on for a few simple tips for finding the best cable service provider in your area: Check what channels they offer in their packages The first step is to enlist the channels that are must-haves for you. Many cable service providers offer a large selection of channels, but their packages might not include all the channels you want. This can be because some individual broadcast networks may not provide services in your area. So, while shopping for the best cable services, you must ensure that the cable provider you’re considering provides you with the most number of channels on your list. Different cable providers partner with different broadcast networks, so you must get a package that includes standard TV channels and traditional network channels that you want to enjoy. Also, check whether they offer on-demand content availability options. The best cable services generally provide this as a part of their package, and customers can pay a little extra to enjoy TV shows and movies. Ask for bundled services This is a brilliant way of getting additional services at almost the same price or simply saving money. Many cable and satellite TV service providers offer other related services bundled together. The most common package deal is a combination of TV and internet services because premium TV services often rely on a broadband internet connection. Some companies also offer a home phone line with a cable TV service, while others offer all three services:
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